Today is election day! Cooking has always been part of American campaigning, from first ladies’ cookie recipes to policies on food scarcity. As community cookbooks constantly remind us, food itself is political - in ways both overt and subtle.
In California, even if you aren’t registered, it’s not too late to #vote! You can still conditionally register and cast your vote today. More details and how to find your polling place, here.
Pictured above, from top left:
How To Cook Reagan’s Goose, The Woman’s National Democratic Club, Washington (1984)
G.O.P. Party Food, Glendale Republican Womens Study Club, Glendale, (1970s)
The PALS Club Cookbook, “Protective Association, Lonesome Souls” political wives, Sacramento (1945)
Red, White, and Blueberry, 19th District American Legion, Long Beach (2007)
peace de resistance, Draft Resistors Defense Fund, San Diego, (1985)
Many Happy Returns Cookbook, The Committee for Many Happy Returns, Los Angeles, (1960)
White House Cook Book (1903)
Five Star Cook Book, Saint Bede’s Episcopal Church, La Cañada Flintridge (1972)