Los Angeles Times Cook Book No. 2 (red cover)
957 Cooking and Other Recipes by California Women published by Times Mirror Company, Los Angeles, 1905
This cookbook is the 2nd in a series of prize-winning recipe books published by the Los Angeles Times between 1902 and 1923 - featuring recipes submitted by California women, primarily those in the Los Angeles area.
This edition is a duplicate of another book, of the same title, that also appears in this archive. However, this edition features a rare, red cover with slightly different markings. Neither version indicates itself as the "first" edition. A similar issue is true with versions of the Los Angeles Times Cook Book No. 3, which are both in this archive.
I do not know much about these red cover versions and would like to learn more. If you have any insights, please reach out via the Contact page.
Read more about this cookbook and the recipe's I've cooked from it in the entry for the white cover edition.
Farmers Market Cook Book
Los Angeles Times Cook Book - No. 2
Los Angeles Times Cook Book No. 2 (Red Cover)
Los Angeles Times Cook Book No. 3
Los Angeles Times Cookbook No. 3 (Red Cover)
Los Angeles Times Cook Book No. 4
Los Angeles Times Economy Cook Book Number Five
Los Angeles Times Prize Cook Book
Recipe Spectacular Contest
Salad Fashion Show
El Molino Best Recipes
Look Inside the door for Finest Refrigeration: 33 Prize Recipes
Los Angeles Times Cook Book - No. 2
Los Angeles Times Cook Book No. 2 (RED COVER 25 cents)
Los Angeles Times Cook Book Number Four
Los Angeles Times Cook Book Number Three
Los Angeles Times Cookbook Number Three (Red Cover)
Los Angeles Times Economy Cook Book Number Five
Los Angeles Times Prize Cook Book
Magnificent Chili Mess: 12th Annual World Championship Chili Cook-Off
Practical Recipes from the Globe Mills
Recipe Spectacular Contest
Western Family Champion Recipes
California Fruit Growers Exchange Recipes Culinary & Toilet
Charging The Human Battery
Sunkist Cook Book
Sunkist Holiday Bulletin
Sunkist Lemons bring out the flavor!
Sunkist Orange Recipes for Year-round Freshness!
Sunkist Recipes For Every Day
The Landmarks Club Cook Book
Soon you will be able to download this entire book! Due to their fragile nature, each is being digitized by hand. If you have particular interest in a particular cookbook, please reach out via the Contact Page, so it will be given priority.